Starcraft 2 campaign units
Starcraft 2 campaign units

starcraft 2 campaign units

A successor to Age of Empires 2, because the number 3 is set at a later period while it was chosen again for the Middle Ages. This verse is now available with Age of Empires 4. Get ready to eat that sometimes tastes good, but in the end you still get hungry for something fresh. The past three years have seen the remake of the Command & Conquer games and the three Age of Empires games.

starcraft 2 campaign units

There’s Starcraft 2, now also 10 years old, Total War… and that’s it.

starcraft 2 campaign units

The PC is now back from not actually being far away, but few RTS franchises have survived those dark times. Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Command & Conquer, … the ’90s were golden for the real-time strategy genre, at least until the boom of mouseless consoles threatened to shut down the PC as a gaming platform for a few Years.

Starcraft 2 campaign units